

40's the new 30 indeed

So here I am, just one glorious day until I can say that I am officially 40 years old, not 'almost forty' or 'old chick' as that has been my mantra for the last year or so.  And just for the record, I only say 'old chick' in jest, because I find it ironic.  It's funny how the years keep rolling over you before you even have time to catch up to yourself, all the while racing toward the next.  I just don't understand it.  I mean on the one hand, I feel SO proud to be turning 40, and hope that I will represent myself and what it is to be female and aging in todays society with dignity and grace.  But on the other hand, even those words 'dignity and 'grace' seem like they're from another time and place that does NOT accurately represent what 40 feels, looks and acts like to me.  I am starting to suspect, dare I say it, that women these days are actually PROUD of getting older rather than ashamed and in denial.  Or maybe it's just me?  But I'm certain I've seen proof of it.  Is it that we take better care of ourselves?  Is it that we have superior beauty products and treatments?  Is it that we are better educated as a whole on nutrition, and alternative modalities?  Is it that we are moving at a pace faster as a people than we have ever moved before?  I think probably yes, in many circumstances.  I have to say though, that I count myself lucky to be growing older in a time when it has become so much more socially celebrated and embraced by the majority.  I'm not certain by any stretch that I will reach any definitive conclusions about what 40 is, but I am confidant that it ISN'T what it used to be.


  1. So true my friend. 40 is the new 30 or whatever you want it to be. Age really is just a number and I tell myself that everyday..except when my kids keep me up all night i feel like i am 100..:D

    I love your blog and your beautiful photos...I'm going to check out that cream. Where do i get some?

  2. just copy and paste "Natural Healing, Inc" into the obvious place~it'll take you right to the site.
    i'm so glad you like the blog....i'm going to try it fresh, fun and interesting!! btw-you still look like a teenager ;D
    i hope to see you guys sometime soon.
    xox s
